
Logo design and your brand

While the old saying ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’ suggests we should do otherwise we are all guilty of...

Which marketing channels to use

When looking into how to communicate with your audience, getting your message out there, the question is not really which...

How to convert social media engagement into sales

Advice on how to convert social media engagement into sales for your company.

Start the Conversation: How to Engage your Customers with Social Media

Social media marketing is often characterised as a conversation: a chance to get people interested in what you have to...

What is a marketing strategy?

Marketing can be the difference between success and failure for any business, especially for a startup. The goal of any...

Finally Perfected your USP? Now to Convince your Customers…

The term USP (Unique Selling Point) is often thrown around among other marketing buzzwords with little real meaning. But what...

Pinterest and Instagram For Your Business

Pinterest and Instagram are great platforms for personal posts, but how do you use them for your business or brand? Read on for some helpful ideas.

The basics of offline marketing

Offline, or traditional marketing, incorporates any of the channels and media that you’d use to market your business that are...

Struggling to get sales leads? Why one warm prospect is better than ten cold ones

Continually following up and nurturing leads is a key part of any sales process. If, for instance, you own a...

How to Make Sure your Website Gets Found by your Audience (and Google)

You have your product or service fully operational at this point, and you’re ready for any potential sale that comes...