Setting up a business is a lot simpler when you have the right guidance. These company formation guides have been specially created to walk you through the company formation journey. Not sure where to begin with registering your limited business? Read on for all the information you need.
Got a great business idea?
Our 10-step guide to company formation
So here we are: it’s the first step of your business journey, and exciting times lie ahead. You’re not alone, however – each year, well over half a million Brits form their own companies, and the number of startups is steadily on the rise. But what exactly are the ins and outs of successfully starting up?
Starting a business?
Here’s all you need to know about company structuring
Most new businesses are structured in one of three main ways: either as a sole trader, a partnership, or as a limited company. The purpose of this guide is simple: to explain how each structure works, and to help you decide which will be the best fit for you and your business.
Opening a business bank account
Everything you need to know for company formation
The task of handling customer invoices, payments for supplies, wage bills, plus a host of other fiscal responsibilities is hardly the most glamorous aspect of being an entrepreneur.
Legal requirements
What are my legal requirements for company formation?
In any walk of life, sets of rules and regulations can always seem daunting at first. But, if you delve a little deeper, the laws surrounding company formation are easily understandable. Think of it this way: none of us want unnecessary wrangles with the taxman.