It’s important to know the process when you set up a limited company. This article will explain the steps you...
Struggling to choose your registered office address? Here are some tips you should consider before you make your decision - by The Formations Company
In this article we will discuss all you need to know about opening a business bank account with Barclays after...
As well as setting up your registered office address, which is visible to the public and where all statutory documents...
Levelling up your business is the logical next step after its formation. This means taking steps to protect and...
The Formations Company is approved by Companies House. That means we’re approved to deal directly with them to get your company...
Investing in your company is a big step. Business growth is not possible without significant investment, but what should...
Thinking of starting a hairdressing business? - here are the basics you need to cover and a few tips to give your the head start.